享受深氧,宜兴精品二日游 Two Days Tour in Yixing 16-10-08
上午: 在出发地集合,出发前往大觉寺,探寻星云大师的足迹,感受佛教文化的博大精深。
Day One
After breakfast : Gather at the set location. Drive to Dajue Temple to trace the footprint of Master Hsing Yun.Impressed by the broad and profound Buddhist culture.
大 觉 寺 Dajue Temple
中午 :午餐享用大觉寺素斋。
Noon : Vegetarian food for lunch in Dajue Temple.
下午:到达张公洞景区参观“和合”广场,看“和合”赐水。了解道教文化和道教人物的传说。 游览海内奇观张公洞的溶洞奇观,探寻七十二福地的洞中洞的幽长。 游览由唐明皇御赐的“洞灵观”,了解三千年道教文化。
Afternoon :Arrive at Zhanggong Cave Scenic Area. You will visit the Harmonious Square with “Hehe” Water, which would bring you peace and happiness. Get inside the Cave to explore the breath taking scenery of holes in holes of holes. Get knowledge of more than 3000-year-old Taoist culture and acquire the legends of maters of Taoism by visiting Dong Ling Guan—the Taoist temple.
张公洞风景区 Zhang Gong Cave Scenic Area
海屋大场 Sea House Da Chang
海 王 厅 Hole of the King of the Sea
Explore the original limestone landscape formed millions of years ago. Take an adventure in the 600-meter-long underground rive by yourself.
Exciting drift on 1500-meter-long tunnel by a raft.
Explore the original limestone landscape formed millions of years ago. Take an adventure in the 600-meter-long underground rive by yourself.
游玩结束后前往酒店安排入住。check in local hotels .
早餐后 到达陶祖圣境风景区,探访慕蠡古洞。体味千年一叹的爱情传说。它以独特的成因和优越的地理条件造就了群山叠翠,奇异怪石;以一流的生态条件形成了一流的山水风光,景色秀丽;以典型的地质地貌构造了喀斯特黄龙洞穴,巧夺天工,组成了一幅绝好的山水画卷,具有极高的观赏、游览、教育、科研、历史和文化价值。
Day Two
After breakfast:Arrive at Taozu Scenic Area. Experience one of the most romantic love story in thousands of years of ancient China—Fan Li and Xi Shi, happened in this old area. You will see the dazzling stalactite formed by unique condition of temperature and geography, and enjoy the splendid view of original landscape scenery with mountains, rivers and the karst cave.
范 蠡 像 Fan Li Status
慕 蠡 洞 Mu Li Cave
The Bamboo Gallery is hidden in the luxuriantly green forest of Jin Tang Mountain. Breath the fresh air and take a walk in the bamboo forest with a cup of Yangxian Tea with Longquan Water. You could also go up to the top of the Bamboo Gallery, where you may find yourself walking in the sky to enjoy the bamboo and standing on the bamboo tip to watch the green sea.
竹 尖 长 廊 Bamboo Gallery
玻 璃 栈 道 Glass Plank
走在空中看竹 站在竹尖观海
Walking in the sky to enjoy the bamboo and standing on the bamboo tip to watch the green sea.
中午: 用中餐。
周震馄饨 精心定制 Delicious Zhouzhen Wonton special for you
下午: 游览深氧健身公园。感受在千亩茶园里骑车,在阳羡湖的宁静里飞奔,在奔跑中呼吸,在呼吸中奔跑。
Afternoon:Arrive at the richly oxygenated Fitness Park. Ride a bicycle in vast areas of tea garden, jogging along the beautiful Yangxian Lake, and don’t forget to take a deep breath in this unbelievable fresh environment.
深氧健身公园 the richly oxygenated Fitness Park
Arrive at Ceramics Exhibition Center. It will show you the whole procedures of Zisha productions and exclusive ceramic exhibitions from all of China.
陶都陶瓷城 Ceramics Exhibition Center
最后 结束一天的游览,返回温馨的家。The end of the day. Drive back home.